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    Nam Lee

    Lee acupuncture

    Fertility acupuncturist, Functional medicine practitioner, Fertility posture trainer


    "You are not alone and you can still improve so much in your end."

    1. To you, what’s the best part of your job?
    Helping someone to be a mom is my privilege.

    2. What is something that you think contributes to excellent care?
    compassion and communication with patient and provider.

    3. What motivated you to join this field?
    Bring the joy to everybody involved is infertility field.

    4. The Whole Patient Care approach suggests these things should be considered: mental and emotional health; lifestyle factors; patient-centric operations and diversity, equity & inclusion. Does one or more of these areas specifically resonate with you as a powerful way to improve patient care? And if so, why?
    lifestyle factors.

    5. What is the most important piece of advice, or tip, you can give to all people facing fertility struggles out there?
    You are not alone and you can still improve so much in your end.

    6. Who are the 1-3 inspirational figures to you in health or wellness, and why?
    Felice Gersh, MD- so much knowledge
    Kelly Baek, MD - communnication and open mind

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