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Our Round-up of the Best Online Wellness Events & Classes this April

From workouts, to workshops, to women hosting inspiring conversations - there's never been better content online to help you stay healthy (in body, mind and spirit) from home.

Here's our handpicked roundup of events we can't wait to get into this April...


Virtual Retreat: Staying Connected & Empowered During Quarantine, by Kindbody (Free)

Join some incredible women for a nation-wide, virtual retreat to help us all stay connected and empowered during quarantine.

We may be forced to keep our distance right now, but that doesn't mean we are unable to stay connected.

As Kindbody put it:

"In this moment, we need each other more than ever. We aspire to create a space for us to all come together and empower one another during this time."

They're bringing together incredible women for a nation-wide, virtual retreat.


April 4th from 11am-2pm PST / 2pm-5pm EST.


Join this Zoom link for all or a portion of the retreat, or you can also register on Eventbrite.


Katie Couric & Audrey Gelman In Conversation, by The Wing (Free)

Award-winning journalist Katie Couric joins The Wing for a reflection on reporting from the frontlines of a crisis, throughout her decade-spanning career and amid the current tumultuous times.

Alongside The Wing’s CEO Audrey Gelman, Couric will share her expert tips on how to channel your own networks into vessels for human stories and genuinely useful intel.

Q&A to follow.


April 2nd from 6.30pm-7.30pm EST.



"Getting Fertility Fit™: What To Do While You're In Isolation" with Dr Diana Chavkin & Brittany Hawkins (Free)

Fertility specialist Dr. Diana Chavkin from HRC Fertility in Los Angeles and ELANZA co-founder Brittany Hawkins hand you the tools to improve your egg quality whilst in lockdown.

Using evidence compiled from over 3,000 research studies and broken down into simple, practical, easy-to-apply steps, they'll cover what you need to know about your diet, exercise, supplements, sleep, toxins and more to get Fertility Fit.


April 7th at 12.30 PST


Watch Live on Facebook here.


Elizabeth Gilbert – How to Seize the Day - In Conversation with Hadley Freeman, by the How To Academy (Free)

The author of Eat, Pray, Love, Big Magic and City of Girls joins Guardian columnist Hadley Freeman to explore life lessons for these anxiety inducing times.

Elizabeth Gilbert is a world traveller whose unending search for answers to life’s biggest questions have made her the voice of a generation: a singular author whose works resonate profoundly with all of us who wish to face up to life’s excitements and challenges with imagination and wisdom.

Aged 34, she left her home, husband and career to travel the globe; her chronicle of that journey became Eat, Pray, Love, an international bestseller so popular Time magazine declared her one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

In celebration of the paperback release of City of Girls — a novel about daring to break conventions, following your desires and the joys of female friendship — Elizabeth joins the How To Academy for a free live-streamed conversation with Guardian columnist Hadley Freeman. In these dark and difficult times, how can we learn to seize the day? Drawing upon all she has learned in her journey through life, Elizabeth will explore how to overcome fear, embrace gratitude and wonder, and thrive even in these most perilous of times.


April 16th - 6:30pm BST


Book a free ticket on the How to Academy website.


How to Find Love - Virtual Class, by The School of Life (£40)

How to Find Love is a 3 hour class by The School of Life which takes place regularly in our classroom at our London HQ. It is one of 12 classes around our 4 core themes: Love, Work, Self and Culture. The aim of this class is to help you to develop a core emotional skill.

The virtual class will be 2 hours long.

Choosing a life-partner can be one of the trickiest decisions we will ever make. We are expected to follow our feelings, and locate people according to our intuition. Our emotions cannot always be trusted and they tend to lead us towards problematic characters and dynamics against logical reasoning.

We once relied on parents and society to find partners for us, however, the process and responsibility has been handed over to us. In often cases, our frantic pursuit has led to complications. Alas, there are practical tools we can engage in to understand our needs in alignment with our desires to find long-lasting love.

What will I learn?

How to Find Love teaches:

  • Improve our understanding of why we make the choices we do.

  • Discover how our early experiences give us scripts regarding whom we can love, and how.

  • Examine harmful repetitive patterns.

  • Ask whether we sometimes reject love and affection because it makes us anxious.

  • Study three of the most common techniques by which we sabotage our chances of fulfilment.

  • Look at common problems that arise in long-term relationships, including ‘Perfectionism’ and the difficulty of learning from one another.

  • Explore ways to improve our existing relationships.


April 23rd, at 6.45pm BST


Purchase a ticket at The School of Life website.


90 Days Free Yoga Classes, by Peloton

The indoor cycling brand is offering up many fitness classes like yoga, meditation, strength, running and more on its streaming app.

That's for everyone, even if you don't own the bike itself!


Head over to Peloton.


Also check out our FREE Fertility Fit app (beta) to help make the best quality eggs and keep your fertility in tip top shape. You'll find a variety of free meditations and a daily journal to help keep your mental health in check over these trying times.


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